New York Post and Fox News Radio drew a red line on Friday pushing back on the President’s defense of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Wow, you know how wrong ...
Congrats to Elon Muck for pushing to 2nd place in Germany's Election the AfD's far-right / white nationalistic party to it's best-ever showing in a national elect ...
Liberals slow or nonexistent thought process is now on full display for the entire world to see because they’re losing everywhere. Reports from friends in Europ ...
Trump handed Biden a raging, flaming dumpster fire when they changed jobs. Biden did a great job pumping the sinking ship of water, extinguishing the fire and building ...
Fired government workers can go to school and learn to code, just like Joe Biden told all those keystone pipeline workers he fired on day one in January 2021. Th ...
Trump and Musk have no interest in cutting wasteful government spending. They're just blindly cutting everything or things they don't like but are valuable. If you want ...
Liberals and their media can’tkeep up with President Trump’s team, they’re so use to Joe Biden’s legislation being reduced to a snails pace the last 4 yea ...
The recent Herald story about Woodbine "Greening up the Brownfields" addresses the former Hat Factory site along with three other sites. The former factory site is adja ...
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